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On All These Products please Click here to email the APT Team with questions

See All the Procedures to follow

Gary Franklin will be in contact with you with questions


AFR-1x Close Construction


Guidelines                                                          Product Codes                                             All 1 X Close Product Procedures

AFR-1x Close Conventional Matrix      Z-APT ND 1XClose Conv AFR            APT LO-Mentor Procedures - 1 X Close Conv Product

AFR-1x Close FHA Matrix                         Z-APT ND 1XClose FHA AFR              APT LO-Mentor Procedures - 1 X Close FHA Product    

AFR-1x Close USDA Matrix                      Z-APT ND 1XClose USDA AFR          APT LO-Mentor Procedures - 1 X Close USDA Product

AFR-1x Close VA Matrix                             Z-APT ND 1XClose VA AFR                 APT LO-Mentor Procedures - 1 X Close VA Product



AFR OTC Presentation 011024


FHA 1X Close Forms                      Conv 1X Close Forms                  VA 1X Close Forms                        USDA 1X Close Forms     

Builder Packet (Prior to App)       Builder Packet (Prior to App)    Builder Packet (Prior to App)     Builder Packet (Prior to App)

Builder Forms (Application)          Builder Forms (Application)       Builder Forms (Application)        Builder Forms (Application)

Borrower Forms (Application)    Borrower Forms (Application)  Borrower Forms (Application)  Borrower Forms (Application)

Builder/Borrower Processing     Builder/Borrower Processing   Builder/Borrower Processing   Builder/Borrower Processing

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Borr AFR 3555-21 Processing

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Processor Appraisal Transfer


Potential Post Closing Forms:     Potential Post Closing Forms:   Potential Post Closing Forms:   Potential Post Closing Forms:

PostClosing Build/Borr (#743)  PostClosing Build/Borr (#743) PostClosing Build/Borr (#743) PostClosing Build/Borr (#743)


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