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On All These Products please Click here to email the APT Team with questions

See All the Procedures to follow

Jamie Jacobsma will be in contact with you with questions


Non QM-APT Options

Non-Delegated Correspondent

Product Codes                                                                      Procedures

Z-APT ND NonQM DH DSCR                                      DSCR Procedures

Z-APT ND NonQM DH Prime                                      Prime Procedures

Z-APT ND NonQM DH Prime - Asset                     Prime - Asset Procedures

Z-APT ND NonQM DH Non-Prime                          Non-Prime Procedures

Z-APT ND NonQM DH Non-Prime - Asset         Non-Prime Asset Procedures



DH Non Delegated Correspondent

DSCR Matrix Correspondent BPL

DSCR Matrix Correspondent

Expanded Prime Matrix Correspondent

Non Prime Matrix Correspondent

Further Correspondent Guidelines 1023



Brokered Non QM-APT

Product Codes                                                                        Procedures

Z-APT B Asset Loan Remn                                                Broker - Asset

Z-APT B Land Loan FNBA                                                 Broker - Land Only Loan

Z-APT B NonQM OakTree                                                Broker - Non-QM

Z-APT B NADA The Lender                                              Broker - No Income No Asset


Matrices - Broker

Asset REMN

Bank Statement REMN

P&L Statement REMN

Land Loan

NonQM  Loans OakTree

Nada Loan The Lender

Noni Condotels



Bank-Statement-1099 - Income-Calculator









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